Belek Pamukkale distance

The distance of Belek Pamukkale is about 280 km, which can be covered by bus in an average of 4 hours, including stops. This path can be shortened

Belek Pamukkale distance
Belek Travel

Distance Belek Pamukkale can be covered by a rented car. This is a good option, with its own nuances. Firstly, such a trip is not always affordable for money (car rental + payment for gasoline). Secondly, travelers who are here for the first time usually spend a lot of time on the road and looking for significant attractions. Thirdly, the Internet will not tell in such detail about the visited place and what it will be interesting to see along the way, like locals or a guide.

In addition, the journey to the cultural heritage site takes a long time. And on vacation, every minute counts. To make the distance from Belek resort to Pamukkale seem insignificant, we offer you our best excursion to Pamukkale from Belek. This is a tour as part of a group with a English-speaking historian guide. We will pick you up at your hotel in a comfortable minibus. On the way, we will stop for breakfast in a picturesque place. You will see how the finest onyx jewelry is created and learn a lot about history, nature and local traditions. Four hours on the way fly by in one hour, according to our guests. Travel with pleasure.

Let every minute of your vacation in Turkey be filled with bright events and new discoveries.